Posts Tagged ‘ Cardboard ’

“Glee”-ful Ignorance

I admit it, I’m a bit of a “Gleek.” While I didn’t buy any of the music offered weekly by iTunes (couldn’t stand the auto-tune abuse), I watched every single episode online as soon as Fox put it up. I know there may have been a few (or many) plot holes and jokes that went nowhere, but the energy of the cast and the complete disregard of high-school comedy precedent made me fall in love.

However, with this new promotional image, it would seem that the graphic designers over at Fox have shown a complete disregard for the rules of photoshop. The blue screen does not bother me – obviously they were going for a yearbook photoshoot concept. What bothers me is that every character looks like a cardboard cut-out. The shadow work is way off. Look at the huge shadow Quinn (blonde on the left) is casting on Puck (sturdy man behind her). She is not even nearly tall enough to block that much light, especially when the cast is outdoors in the middle of the day with the sun overhead and not directly sideways. Just wrong. Also, look at the depth perception between Puck and Emma (redhead to his right). First look at their feet and then look at his arm in front of her. Based on where she is standing, his arm would be going right through her. Let’s not even get started on the fact that she’s not even completely vertical.

I cannot wait for this show to return on April 13th, but please, Fox, give us some better photos! Until then, you are no better than Twilight…

If you enjoyed this post, please check out PhotoshopDisasters. Also, let me know your thoughts in the comments!